
University of Rome - GREAL, University of Geneva- Department F.-A. Forel, Faculty of Science, University of Savoie Mont-Blanc - LCME, IFSTTAR and Nantes - GERS and the National Georgaphic Society of Italy

Support : Fondation H. Dudley Wright, Services industriels de genève, Advanced Tracking

Institutional partners

Scientific partners 2018, in collaboration with not-for-profit organisation PolarQuest2018 : Centro Fermi, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Consiglio Nationales delle Ricerche, CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geographic research and Application Loboratory, Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna, National Georgaphic Society of Italy

Scientific partners 2015 - 2017: Météo-France, Oceaneye, Ifremer, University of Brest, University Savoie Mont Blanc. Topics of study cover weather, climate, biodiversity and pollution of the oceans. The passive igloo is also involved in Isaaffik, a new gateway connecting Arctic research, education, consultancy and logistics.

The Polar Secretariat : Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI)

Greenland Institute of Natural Resources :

Associative partners  

PolarQuest2018 :

Yachting Club CERN :

oceaneye :


Special thanks to Remy, Colette, Rob, Lisa, Mathilde, Dolores, Haude, Reto, Peter, Christophe, Christine, Kalle, Pascal, Patrick, Dimitri, Miguel, Stéphane, Ivan, David, Hans, Jakob, Barbara, Perle, Cora, Jean-Guillaume, Melvin, Jonas, Clementine, Sylvie, Bernard, Estelle, Valentine and the numerous members from YCC for their help,interest, advice, ideas and passionate participation.


... and Eric Brossier from the Vagabond, specially for climatic and ice releted data that were of special interest for simulation and design of the passive igloo.

Industrial partners

SIG - services industriels de Genève

Financial support

Klingenburg GmbH

Expertise and supply ex-gratia of high performance counterflow heat exchangers.

swisspor Romandie SA

Expertise and supply ex-gratia of special high performance expanded polystyrene products for the passive igloo construction and hull insulation.

Honda Suisse SA

Provision of a heated workshop to accomodate the passive igloo during construction.





haude morel & peter.gallinelli June 2020